Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Genesis

There are 50 Chapters in the Book of Genesis.  Here is a quick breakdown of the events and main children of God discussed in those 50 chapters.

I.  The History of the World

  • The Creation (Chapters 1-2)
  • The Fall of Mankind (Chapter 3)
  • Cain & Abel (Chapters 4-5)
  • The Flood (Chapters 6-9)
  • Noah’s Descendants (Chapters 10-11)

II.  The Patriarchs

  • Abraham (Chapters 12 – 25:11)
  • Isaac (Chapters 25:12 – 28:9)
  • Jacob & Esau (Chapters 28:10 – 36:43)
  • Joseph (Chapters 37-50)

There are 31 Verses in Genesis Chapter 1.

The Book of Genesis is accredited to being written by Moses.