Old Testament Timeline of Patriarchs

Old Testament Timeline of Patriarchs

Last Updated: March 16, 2024By Tags: , ,
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The Genealogy from Adam to Noah in Genesis Chapter 5

Adam was the first Man on earth.  Created from the dust of the earth by God Himself, at the age of 130 years Adam had a son, Seth.  at the age of 105 years, Seth became the father of Enosh.  At the age of 90, Enosh became the father of Kenan.

Kenan lived 70 years, and became the father of Mahalalel.  Mahalalel lived 65 years, and became the father of Jared.  Jared lived 162 years, and became the father of Enoch.

Enoch lived 65 years, and became the father of Methuselah.  Enoch, then, lived another 300 years on earth.  However, Enoch never died like every other human who has ever walked the earth.  Because he walked faithfully with God, at the age of 365 years, the Bible tells us that “God took him away” from this earth.

Methuselah lived 187 years, and became the father of Lamech.  At the age of 182 years, Lamech had a son named Noah.

The Lifespan of Each Patriarch from Adam through Jacob

  • Adam – 930 Years

  • Seth – 912 Years

  • Enosh – 905 Years (Noah was 600 years old when the flood came)

  • Kenan – 910 Years

  • Mahalalel – 895 Years
  • Jared – 962 Years
  • Enoch – 365 Years (then God took him away)
  • Methuselah – 969 Years
  • Lamech – 777 Years
  • Noah – 950 Years
  • Shem – 600 Years
  • Eber – 464 Years
  • Peleg – 239 Years
  • Reu – 239 Years
  • Serug – 230 Years
  • Nahor – 148 Years
  • Terah – 205 Years
  • Abram – 175 Years
  • Isaac – 180 Years
  • Jacob – 147 Years